View Profile Sykotic-Sword
What are you talking about? I'm ALWAYS happy! ....*points gun at you* RIGHT?!?!

Sykotic Sword @Sykotic-Sword

Age 35, Male

Flash Artist

Benicia High School


Joined on 12/3/05

Exp Points:
830 / 900
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Vote Power:
5.14 votes
Global Rank:
> 100,000
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So Adam Phillups won the NG Tank award for best animation huh? And NG Rumble got the one for best game? Wow. Great. Fucking awesome. You know what? NO. It's not fucking awesome. This site has been sticking to the same shit for FAR TOO LONG. Whether it be Tom with his oh-so-mature toilet humor or the seemingly unending deluge of stick figure flashes. On top of that, when some big awards are passed out, guess who wins? Fucking Adam Phillups and something "Contributed to" by Tom. Holy shit. Big fucking shocker. Come the fuck on man. Let's refer to the motto of the site: "Everything by everyone". Really? Then why is it that when the big awards get handed out the little guys are left in the dust? Wtf man? I mean, I've got no beef with Adam getting an award, he's fucking amazing. And I admit that Ng Rumble was the shit back when I played it. But that's just it. THEY'RE OLD. Yeah they were made in 2008. But COME ON MAN we need some fucking fresh material here. Stop whoring out Madness, stop spamming us with fucking PICO of all things, and gave the little guys A FUCKING CHANCE FOR ONCE. This site was founded for anyone to post thier work. So why is it that this site seems to focus so much on over-popular things? Here's a few tips: Get rid of Pico(HE'S OLD NEWS, GET THE FUCK OVER IT), stop shoving your madness down our throats, and maybe just fucking maybe start actually paying attention to your own damn site. FUCK!

Recent Game Medals

20 Points

Latest Shared Creations

Ninja Steve

Added to skins for Skincraft Jun 5, 2011.

Duke Nukem

Added to skins for Skincraft Jun 4, 2011.